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Manage Class Registrations

Homeschool Pod

Monday Wednesday
2:30 - 4:00
Fall Sandlot
7 y/o - 16 y/o
3:30 - 5:00pm
Flag Football
9 y/o - 17 y/o

Uplift Homeschool Pod Program

What is a homeschool pod?

A homeschool pod is a small group of families that want to be a part of a community, but a large cohort is not an option for them, or they want to meet in addition to Friday community day.  
Pods can be organized around student needs and support, or family location or curriculum, any situation where being with other families will enhance learning and community can be the basis of a pod.

Homeschool pod niche ideas:
Families with disabilities
(your church) families
Pod based on age or grade
Pod on the study you choose
Music pod
Bible basics pod
Location based pod
Ideas are endless

The mission statement of a homeschool pod remains the same as the mission statement of Uplift:

To Support Christ-Centered homeschool families through connective community.

How do I start a homeschool pod?

Starting a pod is easy.  Simply fill out this Homeschool Pod form and we will help you start your pod.

What is the benefit of starting a pod through Uplift?

By leading a homeschool pod through Uplift, you will receive support to start your pod, finding resources and families interested.  You would also have access to supplies for your pod which includes curriculum, Central Oregon stem lending library supplies, white boards and more.  We will also support your pod by praying and helping you with resources that you may need.

What is the commitment?

We would ask that you have a meeting with an Uplift leader before each term to seek support, prayer and clear communication on how your pod is going.  You can commit to one term or all year long.

Complete an online safety training and background check.  Follow procedures in place by Uplift to ensure student safety and accountability.

To keep families connected we will hold an all community gathering three times a year.   This would not be mandatory, but encouraged.

A homeschool pod is encouraged to not be a drop off situation, but a place for parents and students to feel supported and connected.  It will be up to the Pod leader to allow parents to drop off.  If a parent drops off their children they are asked to sign a waiver before leaving.  Is there a cost to join a pod?

Joining a pod is free.  Each pod may have an idea of how much they will need to make their pod function.  It will be listed under the individual pod.

Need more information?  Email me.

Current Pods are Below

 Email me if you would like to start a Pod or if you have a pod idea.
Seeking leaders for pods with the below topics.

Social Anxiety Pod
High School Pod
Sports Pod
Walking Pod
Pre School Pod
Elementary Pod